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Project Structure

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This page outlines a recommended project structure when using git with your ILE sources. Code for IBM i and subsequent extensions will follow this structure for local development.

File names & ‘member text’

It is recommended the name of the source matches the name of the created object. For example

  • ord500.pgm.rpgle would become the ORD500.PGM object
  • ord500.cmd would become the ORD500.CMD object

Since member text is traditionally associated with members, it is not longer possible to do that with the standard hirearchial file system. There are two options for associating ‘text’ (the description) with a piece of source code.

Using %TEXT in your source

You can use %TEXT: in any comments in your source code. This works for any programming language you use.

// %TEXT: This program is for order entry
dcl-pi ORD500;
-- %TEXT: Order entry table
create or replace table xyz (...);

Using TEXT option (in RPGLE)

In the H-spec or CTL-OPT operation code, you can use the TEXT keyword to specify the text.

ctl-opt text('This program is for order entry');
dcl-pi ORD500;

Lowercase file names

It is recommend to always use lowercase file names. Generally, it is easier on the eyes and follows the standard of most other environments. You could also consider using camelCase.

  • ord500.pgm.sqlrpgle
  • ord600.pgm.cbble
  • qrpglesrc/faq500.rpgle

Valid extensions

The extensions used for your source can generally follow suit from member attributes (e.g. .rpgle, .sqlrpgle, .cbble, .clle, etc).

But, it is encouraged to use an additional extension to identify that your source is a program or a module in addition to the regular extension.

  • sale10.rpgle indicates a module (which could become a service program, or part of a multi-module program)
  • ord600.pgm.cbble indicates that is source should become a program

Includes and copybooks

It is recommended that all includes (also referred to as copybooks or headers) for RPGLE and COBOL use the extension of .xxxinc.

For example:

  • ordsrv.rpgleinc is a RPGLE include.
  • pwrdta.cbbleinc is a COBOL include.

For C and C++, you should continue to use the standard .h for header files.

Include statements (RPGLE)

When using /COPY and /INCLUDE in RPGLE with a local project, the path should always be relative to the project directory and not relative to the active file. Generally, the more explicit you can be, the easier it will be the maintain long term.

  • Works: /copy 'faq500.rpgleinc',
  • Improved: /copy 'qrpgleref/faq500.rpgleinc'

While it is possible to use INCDIR and then not provide a directory on the include statement, when reading the code, it is a lot clearer where the file is coming from.

If you want your local project to resolve files on the IFS, make sure you specify your ‘include directories’

Example project structure

Check out the company_system repository for a good example project which follows these rules.