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Code for IBM i follows the ILEDocs standard for writing documentation for the ILE languages. This document mainly covers how to use it with RPGLE free-format.

Code for IBM i will make use of the documentation block to improve content assist and hover support.

Standard format


The documentation block format is as follows.

  1. Start with /// - this starts the documentation block for the procedure
  2. The first comment is the title
  3. The next comments define the description
  4. After the description, tags can be used.
  5. End the block with /// again.
// Description can be multiline
// @tag data
// @tag data
Dcl-Proc ...

Can be used on

Documentation blocks can be used on pretty much any RPG functionality:

  • Constants
  • Variables/structs
  • Procedures
  • Subroutines

Available tags

All tags start with @. Tags in bold are most commonly used.

  • param - multi line - Description of the parameter
  • return - multi line - Description of the return value
  • deprecated - multi line - Description why a program or procedure shouldn’t be used and stating any replacement.
  • author - single line - Author of the source code
  • date - single line - Date (any format)
  • brief (title) - single line - Must be the first tag in an ILEDocs block. The tag can also be ignored, see example above.
  • link - multi line - @link http://url Description
  • rev (revision) - multi line - @rev date author, following lines are the description of the revision
  • project - single line - Name of the project (so that the module can be placed under the corresponding project in the UI)
  • warning - multi line
  • info - multi line
  • throws - multi line - Id and description of an escape message the user of the program/procedure can expect in certain cases
  • version - single line - version of the module


Basic rules:

  • All documentation is optional, but the better documentation you provide, the better the content assist and generated documentation is.
  • For each parameter in a procedure, there should be as many @param tags which provide a short description of what the parameter is.
  • The first line of the documentation block is always the title.
// Transform to lowercase
// This procedure will take a string and transform it to lowercase
// @param The string
// @return The lowercase value
Dcl-Proc ToLower Export;
Dcl-Pi *N Char(20);
stringIn Char(20);
return STRLOWER(stringIn);